
The city of Decatur provides a full array of services to its citizens and visitors.  Listed are a few of the services that are available here.

  • Dedicated Public Works Department
    • Water Utilities
    • Streets Department
    • Parks Department
  • Full-Time Paid/Volunteer Fire Department
  • Police Department
  • 6 Public Parks
  • Public Library
  • Civic Center
  • Decatur Municipal Airport (8F7)
  • Decatur Independent School District
    • 1 Class 3A High School (Decatur High School)
    • 2 State Recognized Elementary Schools (Rann Elementary, Carson Elementary)
    • 1 State Recognized Intermediate School (Carson Elementary)
    • 1 Middle School (Decatur Middle School)
  • Other services
    • Vibrant downtown scene
    • Multiple restaurants and hotels
    • Wise Regional Hospital (part of the Baylor Health Care System)
    • 2 major grocery stores

At the City of Decatur, we are here to serve you.  If there is any way that we can improve our services, please feel free to contact us.